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Tlaxcala, Mexico map

Tlaxcala, Mexico map, N.W. Section 6/16

The map also shows the towns (pueblos) of:

Ignacio Zaragoza, José Maria Morelos, Atlangatepec, San Antonio Techalate, Adolfo López Mateos, San José Cuamantzingo, Guadalupe Cuauhtemoc, San Lorenzo Techalote, San Diego Recoba, San Lucas Tecapilco, Miguel Aldama, San Simeón Xipetzingo, Muñoz, Chipila, Magdalena Cuextatitla, Españita, Hueyotlipan, La Reforma, Santa Maria Ixcotla, Xaltocan.

The map also shows the towns (pueblos) of Ignacio Zaragoza, José Maria Morelos, Atlangatepec, San Antonio Techalate, Adolfo López Mateos, San José Cuamantzingo, Guadalupe Cuauhtemoc, San Lorenzo Techalote, San Diego Recoba, San Lucas Tecapilco, Miguel Aldama, San Simeón Xipetzingo, Muñoz, Chipila, Magdalena Cuextatitla, Españita, Hueyotlipan, La Reforma, Santa Maria Ixcotla, Xaltocan.

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